Deciding to see what was at each end of Panamá City's one metro line, I first chose a southerly direction. The last station at the southern end of the line is Albrook. The station connects via a walkway over the freeway to the National Transport Terminal with buses going to other regions of Panama.

National Transport Terminal at Albrook Metro Station & below a colourful inter-city bus.

Part of Albrook Mall viewed from walkway to National Transport Centre.
From the transport terminal is another covered walkway to Albrook Mall which is huge. Its web site claims that, with more than 700 stores, it is “el mall más grande de Latinoamérica” and I can believe it. Inside the mall are few surprises. The most impressive sight in my opinion is a sculpture of Panama's national bird, the Harpy Eagle, by Cancio Ciacci Tason, located in a newer section of the mall.

Magnificent Harpy Eagle, by Cancio Ciacci Tason graces Albrook Mall.
Next day I took a metro trip to the other end of the line at San Isidro. The line runs above ground to the 6 most northerly stations. The San Isidro area seems to be residential with some industry – no reason for me to leave the platform. I took a couple of photos and got back on the train, exiting at the next stop – Los Andes, which also has a shopping centre, not nearly so grand as Albrook.

Above and below: On the platform at San Isidro Metro Station.

Neighbourhood view from San Isidro Station platform.

View from Los Andres Station platform.