Walking with friends in Lethbridge April 15, 2012
All the grass is brown and the sky is gray.
I’ve been for a walk on a springy day.
With apologies to The Mammas & The Papas

Walking near Sherwood Park April 10, 2016
Since retiring I have spent part of each winter in a warm climate, returning to Alberta in time to file my income tax and await true spring weather. Coming back in early April this year from two months of green grass and flowers on Vancouver Island was once again a bit of an adjustment.

Going to the Rockies April 10, 2010
April in Alberta is unpredictable, with snow as likely as rain. Usually the roads are bare and dry. In 2008 there was a heavy snowfall the 3rd weekend of the month after we had our winter tires off. In 2012 considerable snow fell in the first half of the month with Edmonton receiving 25 cm (10 inches) on April 5th. Thankfully, at this time of year any new snow does not last long.

Ehagay Nakoda Massif in Canmore April 23, 2012
In 2013 I was glad to have returned after April 8 when Edmonton airport set a record low temperature for the date with -20°C.

Canmore April 22, 2012 – stunning any time of year
Brown grass is almost a certainty though in April, with green gradually replacing it. Mud is another feature of April especially in rural areas.

Snow, mud and a visitor in April in rural Alberta

New leaves at Sangudo April 30, 2015
By month end however, green leaves are often emerging and, in wet ditches in the area where my siblings and I grew up, yellow marsh marigolds can be found. In Southern Alberta wild crocuses abound. In gardens fruit trees and bulbs are likely to be blooming. I hope this will be the case by the end of April this year. Most of all I am hoping for much needed rain.

Marsh marigolds bloomed by April 30, 2015

Apple blossoms at Sangudo April 30, 2015
Postscript April 19, 2016: With a high of 24°C (75°F) on Sunday and 26°C on Monday in Edmonton it has seemed like summer. The trees are leafing out and the grass gradually greening. Alberta Plantwatch says Edmonton is experiencing its earliest spring since the organization started monitoring signs of spring in 1987.
Unfortunately there have already been several grass and brush fires in central Alberta. Bring on the rain!