Rainbow lorikeet enjoys sunflower seeds in Australia.
Feeding birds is a kind hearted thing to do in cold climates where they have difficulty sustaining themselves in winter. It is also a way to observe these beautiful creatures at close range. In the summer Canadians feed tiny hummingbirds that have flown from South and Central America.

Mum filling a bird feeder.

Chickadees are common feeder visitors in Canada and appreciate suet or peanut butter for winter energy.

Pileated woodpecker visits a family member's feeder in Canada.
My late parents fed birds during their retirement. I don’t know when they started – likely when their children were grown up, their nurturing capacity was redirected and the extra expense of sacks of sunflower seeds was more affordable. I know they derived countless hours of pleasure observing their avian visitors and noting which species had shown up for a free meal. We even placed a bird feeder as a fitting memorial to our parents in the country cemetery where they rest. Other family members continue to operate bird cafés at their homes.

Sulphur crested cockatoo also enjoys a free meal.
Recently in Australia I visited friends whose tray of sunflower seeds attracts various species of colourful parrots as well as Australia’s melodious magpies. In Australia there are various places where tourists can offer seeds or other treats to flocks of parrots for photo opportunities. When temperatures soar, as they do in Australia, providing water is especially valuable to our feathered friends.

Australian magpies sing for their supper.

Young kookaburra comes by for bits of meat.

King parrot takes seeds from tourist's hand.

Feeding rainbow lorikeets and their friends, possibly scaly breasted lorikeets, in 2009.
Feeding the birds is also a way for people to stay in touch with some of the other creatures with whom we share the planet. This may be why people continue to feed birds even where the practice is actively discouraged such as in city squares full of pigeons or to offer the birds inappropriate food such as giving bread to ducks.
Foffer the birds inappropriate food such as giving bread to duck